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A guide to identification and control of invasive plants
Problem Plants of Ohio is an informative guide, providing information on the identification and control of nonnative plant species formally listed as invasive or prohibited noxious weeds in Ohio. In addition, the book treats many additional species that are considered a nuisance in gardens, landscaping, or natural settings.
The book includes more than 900 photographs
...In 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright returned to their hometown of Dayton, Ohio, from North Carolina, where they had piloted their powered flying machine for several short flights. They wanted to continue their research closer to home and chose a flat expanse called Huffman Prairie, eight miles east of Dayton, to continue their experiments. Here, in 1904 and 1905, the brothers refined their machine, creating the world's first practical powered aircraft.
...12) Death in the Great Smoky Mountains: Stories of Accidents and Foolhardiness in the Most Popular Park
17) The Broads
20) Northumberland
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