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Blues Play-a-Long and Solos Collection for Piano/Keyboards Beginner Series Andrew D. Gordon has created 30; 12bar blues play-a-long backing tracks in various Blues styles, keys and tempos such as: Funky Blues, Boogie Blues, Jazz Blues, Minor Blues, Country Blues, Latin Blues, Old Time Jazz Blues, Jazz Swing Blues, Classic Blues Rock, Soulful Blues, Slow Blues and many more. Each of the 30 play-a-long tracks has been recorded with 12 choruses of the...
The Blues Scale by Andrew D. Gordon is he feels, one of his most important books because of the nature of the blues scale and how it is used to improvise in many styles of contemporary music. The book consists of 20 grooves including: Pop, Rock, Blues, Jazz,Funk, R&B, Lstin, Gospel, New Age, Reggae, Calypso, AcidJazz, Country. Both the Blues scale and relative minor Blues scale are explained in detail and how they are used either separately or together...
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