Gary Weiss
The true story of Staten Island badboy Louis Pasciuto's meteoric rise to the top of Wall Street's notorious chop houses-by the award-winning journalist who broke it.
Hood brokers. Monthly million dollar paychecks. Thirtysix hour cocaine binges. "Rocky" themed pep rallies. Run-ins with Mafia thugs toting Mac 10 machine pistols. This was the life of LouisPasciuto, a fast-talking Staten Island kid who, from the age of19 to 25, moved stocks...
Hood brokers. Monthly million dollar paychecks. Thirtysix hour cocaine binges. "Rocky" themed pep rallies. Run-ins with Mafia thugs toting Mac 10 machine pistols. This was the life of LouisPasciuto, a fast-talking Staten Island kid who, from the age of19 to 25, moved stocks...
Thirty years after her death in March 1982, Ayn Rand's ideas have never been more important. Unfettered capitalism, unregulated business, bare-bones government providing no social services, glorification of selfishness, disdain for Judeo-Christian morality-these are the tenets of Rand's harsh philosophy.
In Ayn Rand Nation, Gary Weiss explores the people and institutions that remain under the spell of the Russian-born novelist. He provides new insights...