Julie K Lundgren
Thousands of stars shine in the night sky, but during the day only one is visible! The Sun, the star in the center of our solar system is 93 million miles away from our Earth. Learn about the temperature, atmosphere, and composition of the Sun, as well as how the Sun's burning gases make heat and light, causing Earth's weather and climate. Bathing our planet in warmth and light, learn how plants, animals, and humans all depend on this big ball
...8) Les makos
Home, sweet home! This title is about Earth, the planet we live on! Earth is one of the rocky planets in our solar system, but it is the only one we know of that can sustain life. Learn about how the Earth rotates on its axis, giving us day and night, and how it orbits and is warmed by that giant star we call the Sun. This book will allow students to make observations to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth's surface.