David Farland
David Farland delivers the second in his high fantasy Runelords series, featuring a complex system of magic and a wondrous, expertly realized world. Raj Ahten, ruler of Indhopal, has used enough forcibles to transform himself into the ultimate warrior: The Sum of All Men. Ahten seeks to bring all of humanity under his rule, destroying anyone in his path. But young Prince Gaborn has fulfilled a two-thousand-year-old prophecy and become the Earth
...11) Wizardborn
12) Chaosbound
14) Worldbinder
Science Fiction & Fantasy Anthology 2016.
The future is here...the future is now!
A constellation of the brightest lights in the Science Fiction and Fantasy firmament have judged these authors to be the best, the brightest, the truest emerging stars in the field.
From Alien Invasion to Alternate History, from Cyberpunk to Comic Fantasy to Post-Apocalyptic Worlds, these are the winning writers who have mastered every version
...16) Trace the Stars
New Writers
New Winners
New Worlds
This is your window into incredible worlds of wizardry, warfare and wonder.
This is your escape into fantastic realms of the human mind lurking just beyond your imagination...and reaching deep into your wildest dreams.
This is your ticket to tomorrow.
Celebrate the future of science fiction and fantasy...now.
"Keep the
...18) Alien Artifacts
19) Aliens: Bug Hunt
When the Colonial Marines set out after their deadliest prey, the Xenomorphs, it's what Corporal Hicks calls a bug hunt—kill or be killed. Here are fifteen all-new stories of such "close encounters," written by many of today's most extraordinary authors.
Set during the events of all four Alien films, sending the Marines to alien worlds, to derelict space settlements, and into the nests of the universe's most dangerous monsters, these
New York Times bestselling author Orson Scott Card founded the online magazine Intergalactic Medicine Show in 2006. It has been a big success, drawing submissions from well-known science fiction and fantasy writers, as well as fostering some amazing new talents. This collection contains some of the best of those stories.
There is fiction from David Farland, Tim Pratt, and David Lubar, among others, and four new Ender Universe stories