Arthur Conan Doyle
Although Arthur Conan Doyle is now best remembered as the creator of the timeless Sherlock Holmes series of detective stories, he was also something of a social activist in his day who used his acclaim to shed light on injustices. In The Crime of the Congo, Conan Doyle builds a devastating case against the Congo Free State, a kind of sociopolitical experiment undertaken by Belgium's King Leopold II, under whose rule indigenous Africans were
...Through the foggy streets of Victorian London to the deepest countryside, Sherlock Holmes uses his unique powers of deduction in eight thrilling investigations, including the mysteries of 'The Speckled Band' and 'The Reigate Puzzle'.
With a captivating introduction by award-winning Jonathan Stroud.
Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes y su querido Watson terminan en este libro, compuesto de varios relatos cuyos casos son más originales y estrafalarios de lo normal. La obra posee la categoría que exige el guión en casos de despedida: asuntos de vampiros y de viejos cadáveres. El hecho de que Holmes narre dos de los cuentos o el cariño que le expresa a Watson despiertan en el lector la sensación de querer volver a empezar con el primer libro,
...En el sabueso de Baskerville, vemos a Holmes haciendo cálculos con el más allá. Existe un halo sobrenatural y terrorífico que nos hace dudar de la resolución lógica del asunto, pero nada inabarcable al raciocinio de Holmes. En el segunto título de esta obra, Memorias de Sherlock Holmes, varios casos pondrán a prueba la destreza analítica del detective quien tendrá que enfrentarse a su primera equivocación, y a su propio creador decidido
...The Adventures of a Dying Detective—Dr. Watson is called to 221B Baker Street to tend Holmes, who is unwell and dying of a rare Asian disease contracted while he was working on a case at Rotherhithe. Watson is shocked, having heard nothing about his friend's illness. Another classic adventure from Sherlock Holmes, a great addition to the collection.
Written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle between the years 1867 and 1927, the legendary Sherlock Holmes employed his mastery of deductive reasoning and expert sleuthing to solve an array of complex and harrowing cases. From his home—221B...
The horse has been championed throughout history as a war machine, a means of transport, an adjunct to farming, a source of popular entertainment, and, finally, as a true friend and companion. So it's no surprise that writers throughout history have featured the horse prominently in their fiction. Here are 25 stories and 5 poems of equine fiction and literature, from Anna Sewell's Black Beauty to classic tales by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
...The seventh issue of Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine is another fine selection of tales about Sherlock Holmes, or in the Sherlockian spirit.
The Dead House, by Bruce Kilstein
A Letter from Legrand, by David Ellis
An Old-Fashioned Villain, by Nick Andreychuk
The Premature Murder, by Michael Mallory
The Double, by Janice Law
The Way It Is (novel excerpt), by Carole Buggé
...Christmas is a time of goodwill to all men ... or is it?
As the nights draw in, throw another log on the fire and settle back into your armchair to enjoy this collection of ten classic Christmas mysteries, in which crime's best known sleuths, from Rebus to Holmes and Cadfael to Father Brown, uncover murder and mayhem galore.
Whether it's a Christmas goose with a surprising secret cargo, a murdered pantomime dame, or a killer who departs